This church, with Jesus Christ as her head (Eph.5:23), shall follow biblical principles to establish the New Testament Church (Mt.16:18; Acts 2:41-42), to lead people to Christ (Phil.2:15), to build up believers to be His disciples (2 Tim.2:2), and to equip, unite and mobilize members (Eph.4:12-16) in order to fulfill the Great Commission (Mt.28:19-20).
Church 10 year anniversary vision:
In 2023, Orlando Chinese Baptist Church will become a Church as:
Gospel Spreading; Disciples Multiplied; Passionately Worshipping God as a multi-cultural, multi-generational and multi-lingual community; Genuinely Love each other through our words, deeds and character with the love of Christ.
5 Core Values:
- Worship
- Evangelism & Missions
- Christian Development
- Biblical Teaching
- Body Life & Caring
In order to achieve Church’s Mission and Vision, we will take the following strategies:
- Improve and enhance the Sunday worship through learning and training.
- Improve the teaching ministry; systematize the ministries such as preaching, Sunday school and Bible studies.
- Implement discipleship training ministry and cultivate healthy prayers and spiritual life for believers.
- Promote cell group forms and start diverse fellowships
- Develop abundant and diverse evangelistic activities, effectively use human and material resources, and fully exert the enthusiasm of each member.
- Implement and practice the “One trains one” model of Evangelism and Visitations. Make every member involve Church ministries in both family and person.
- Participate in global missions by finance support.
- Keep providing a long-term and stable meeting place for the congregation, so that the congregation has a sense of home belonging.
中文主日崇拜: 10:00am
英文成人主日學: 10:00am
英文兒童主日學: 10:00am
英文主日崇拜: 11:30am
中文主日學: 11:30am
Chinese Sunday Service @ 10:00am
Adult English Sunday School @ 10:00am
Children English Sunday School @ 10:00am
English Sunday Service @ 11:30am
Chinese Sunday School @ 11:30am