Sermon Series
All 55 /1 Peter 35 /2020 Sermons 0 /2021 Sermons 0 /2022 Sermons 0 /2023 Sermon 0 /A New Way of Life 0 /A Song of Praise 0 /Book of Ruth Series 6 /Brother Andrew Neilson 0 /Brother Justin Wu 0 /Desire Life, Love Good Days 0 /Forget not all his benefits 0 /Guest Speakers 0 /How to Live at the End of the World 0 /How To Win Over Unbelieving Spouse 0 /Matthew 5 /Matthew 4 /Miracle of Christmas 0 /Pastor Fredy Lee 0 /Pastor James Neilson 0 /Pastor Mark McCrary 0 /Pastor Sean Ma 0 /Psalm 5 /Rev. Michael Warwicke 0 /Seeking Security In This Troubled World 0 /Sermon 0 /Seven Churches of Revelation 0 /Silence the Critics: Submit to Civil Authorities 0 /Submission In The Workspace 0 /The Book of Joshua 0 /The Fiery Ordeal 0 /The Fundamental Attitudes of Christian 0 /The King of Grace 0 /The Privileges of God’s Children 0 /The Virgin Gave Birth to a Son 0 /Transformational Church 0 /Uncategorized 0 /Victory In Suffering 0 /Who is Jesus 0

A Message from Hell (II)
January 30, 2022/by Lawrence Chui
A Message from Hell (I)
January 23, 2022/by Lawrence Chui
A Message from Hell
January 16, 2022/by Lawrence Chui
Who is Your One
January 10, 2022/by elim
The Call of Lord Jesus
January 2, 2022/by Lawrence Chui
The Virgin Gave Birth to a Son (II)
December 19, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The Virgin Gave Birth to a Son (I)
December 12, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The King of Grace (II)
December 5, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The King of Grace (I)
November 28, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Forget not all his benefits (III)
November 21, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Forget not all his benefits (II)
November 14, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Forget not all his benefits
October 31, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
A Song of Praise (II)
October 24, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
A Song of Praise
October 17, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The Fundamental Attitudes of Christians (V)
October 10, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The Fundamental Attitudes of Christian (IV)
October 3, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The Fundamental Attitudes of Christian (III)
September 26, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The Fundamental Attitudes of Christian (II)
September 12, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The Fundamental Attitudes of Christian (I)
September 5, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Shepherd the Flock of God
August 29, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The Fiery Ordeal (II)
August 22, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The Fiery Ordeal (I)
August 15, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
How to Live at the End of the World (II)
August 8, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
How to Live at the End of the World (I)
August 1, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Be Done With Sin
July 25, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Victory In Suffering (III)
July 18, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Victory In Suffering (II)
July 11, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Victory In Suffering (I)
July 4, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Seeking Security In This Troubled World (II)
June 27, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Seeking Security In This Troubled World (I)
June 13, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Desire Life, Love Good Days (IV)
June 6, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Desire Life, Love Good Days (III)
May 30, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Desire Life, Love Good Days (II)
May 23, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Desire Life, Love Good Days (I)
May 16, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
How To Win Over Unbelieving Spouse (IIa)
May 2, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
How To Win Over Unbelieving Spouse (II)
April 18, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
How To Win Over Unbelieving Spouse (I)
April 11, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The Suffering Jesus: An Example for Believers
March 28, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Submission In The Workspace (II)
March 21, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Submission In The Workspace (I)
March 14, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Silence the Critics: Submit to Civil Authorities (II)
March 7, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Silence the Critics: Submit to Civil Authorities (I)
February 28, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The Privileges of God’s Children (2)
February 21, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The Privileges of God’s Children (1)
February 14, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
A New Way of Life (IV)
February 7, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
A New Way of Life (III)
January 31, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
A New Way of Life (II)
January 24, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
A New Way of Life
January 17, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
The Living Hope
January 10, 2021/by Lawrence Chui
Book of Ruth: Cup of Blessings Overflows
February 23, 2020/by elim
Book of Ruth: Married at last
February 16, 2020/by elim
Book of Ruth: Love Settled at the Threshing Floor
February 2, 2020/by elim
Book of Ruth: Chance Encounter
January 26, 2020/by elim
Book of Ruth: Leave or Stay?
January 19, 2020/by elim
Book of Ruth: Hidden Dangers
January 12, 2020/by elim中文主日崇拜: 10:00am
英文成人主日學: 10:00am
英文兒童主日學: 10:00am
英文主日崇拜: 11:30am
中文主日學: 11:30am
Chinese Sunday Service @ 10:00am
Adult English Sunday School @ 10:00am
Children English Sunday School @ 10:00am
English Sunday Service @ 11:30am
Chinese Sunday School @ 11:30am